Gateshead Quays

The triangle between South Shore Road, Hawks Road and Oakwellgate was once home to John Abbot's Park Iron Works which employed 2000 men . After Abbot's closed in 1909, various smaller companies filled the space, though eventually the site was left derelict. It is now the location of an ambitious project to regenerate this part of Gateshead, with many new projects planned, including the Gateshead Music Centre, Symphony Hall, a multi-screen cinema and housing. These photos show the work in progress.

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Gateshead Quays
Seen from south end of the Tyne Bridge. Photographed 26th June 2001

Gateshead Quays
Seen from the Tyne Bridge. Photographed 22nd December 2001

Gateshead Quays
Seen from the Tyne Bridge, showing relationship of site to St. Marys Church. Photographed 22nd December 2001

Gateshead Music Centre
Photographed 22nd December 2001

Gateshead Music Centre
Photographed 2nd March 2002

Gateshead Music Centre
Photographed 2nd March 2002

Gateshead Music Centre
Photographed 2nd March 2002

Gateshead Quays
From South Shore Road, outside Baltic Square. The web address for details about the Gateshead Quays project is clearly visible. Photographed 2nd March 2002

Gateshead Quays
Seen from the Millennium Bridge. The building in the foreground is HMS Calliope the naval training centre. Photographed 2nd March 2002

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